Revision: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:04:51 GMT

Chained Repository

The Cycle ORM default Repository implementation provides the ability to be easily cloned without affecting the base query for the original instance.

Custom Scopes

To implement the ability to create a custom query scope you must implement a method to clone the repository and customize the base select query:

class UserRepository extends \Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository
    public function withActive(): self
        $repository = clone $this;
        $repository->select->where('status', 'active');

        return $repository;

You can now use this method to change the repository behaviour:

$repository = $orm->getRepository(User::class);


You can chain as many scope methods as you want, make sure to keep the repository state immutable.

Disable the scope

If you use entity scope (for example soft-deleted) you can alter your underlying select query to disable it in specific cases:

class UserRepository extends \Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository
    public function withDeleted(): self
        $repository = clone $this;

        return $repository;
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