Revision: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 19:54:44 GMT


The Cycle ORM relies on the Schema instance to define its behavior. All of the entity fields, relations, and options are located in such a schema and must be pre-calculated prior to runtime usage. In fact, schema operates as a nested hash table providing quick access to each of the definition.

Access Schema

To access the schema from an initiated ORM instance, use the method getSchema:

// print the table associated with the entity
print_r($orm->getSchema()->define(User::class, \Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface::TABLE));

You can create a new ORM instance with an altered schema using with method:

$orm2 = $orm->with(schema: new \Cycle\ORM\Schema([...]));

The original ORM instance won't be affected.

Schema Properties

Most of the schema properties are intended for internal use. However, accessing them might give your application the ability to configure the environment (for example automatic binding to Container).

All schema properties are available as public constants on class Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface or Cycle\ORM\Schema:

Property Type Description
ROLE string Unique entity name (can be omitted when schema supplied in [role => schema] form).
ENTITY class Class name to represent the entity can be null if an alternative mapper implementation is used.
MAPPER class Class to hydrate and extract data from entities and initiate command chains. Defaults to Cycle\ORM\Mapper\Mapper.
SOURCE class Class to represent gateway object to entity database and table. Defaults to Cycle\ORM\Select\Source.
REPOSITORY class Class to aggregate all entity select operations. Defaults to Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository.
DATABASE string Database name associated with an entity. Defaults to null (default database).
TABLE string Table name associated with the entity.
PRIMARY_KEY string, array Property used to represent an entity's primary key.
FIND_BY_KEYS array List of fields used to reference entity by other entity relations used to speed up memory lookup. Automatically generated.
COLUMNS array Associative array of field names assigned with the table column name.
RELATIONS array List of relations assigned to the given entity, see below.
SCOPE class Class name to represent the scope applied to all entity queries. Defaults to none.
TYPECAST array Associated array of fields with assigned typecast functions.
SCHEMA array Optional section, reserved for custom mapper implementations.
CHILDREN array List of classes which extends given entity class. Used for Single Table Inheritance.
DISCRIMINATOR string Discriminator column name. Used for Single Table Inheritance.
PARENT string Parent role in the inheritance hierarchy. Used for Joined Table Inheritance.
PARENT_KEY string Parent role in the inheritance hierarchy. Used for Joined Table Inheritance.
LISTENERS array List of behavior classes extending entity behavior.
TYPECAST_HANDLER string, array List of typecast handler classes extending entity columns typecasting.

Relation Schema

Each entity might have none or multiple relations associated with it. Each relation association must follow the given schema.

Property Type Description
TYPE int Relation type, driven by RelationConfig.
TARGET string Target entity role.
SCHEMA array Relation specific options, see below.

Relation options include:

Option Type Description
CASCADE bool Indicates that relation must be automatically saved with a parent entity. Defaults to true.
NULLABLE bool Indicates that relation can point to null. User-driven.
OUTER_KEY array, string Outer entity field name.
INNER_KEY array, string Inner (parent) entity field name.
MORPH_KEY array, string Morphed relations only. Name of the morphed field. Autogenerated.
WHERE array For collection relations only. Additional where query to filter related entities by. Supports compound queries.
THROUGH_INNER_KEY array, string Points to the inner key of source (parent) entity in pivot (though) entity.
THROUGH_OUTER_KEY array, string Points to the outer key of related entity in pivot (though) entity.
THROUGH_ENTITY string Thought entity role name.
THROUGH_WHERE array Additional where conditions added for related entities.


The ORM Schema can be serialized in order to cache it and avoid calculations on each request. Cycle encourages schema compilation in the background (see cycle/schema-builder).

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