Revision: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:04:51 GMT

Classless Mapper

Cycle ORM provides the ability to create proxy classes on the fly by using Cycle\ORM\Mapper\ClasslessMapper. There is no needs to create entity classes.

The proxy entity performs "lazy loading" for properties with relations. It means that relation data will only be loaded when you actually access them.

Define the Entity schema

use Cycle\ORM\Schema;
use Cycle\ORM\Mapper\ClasslessMapper;

$orm = $orm->with(schema: new Schema([
   'user' => [
      Schema::MAPPER => ClasslessMapper::class,
      Schema::DATABASE => 'default',
      Schema::TABLE => 'user',
      Schema::PRIMARY_KEY => 'id',
      Schema::COLUMNS => [
          // property => column
          'id' => 'id',
          'email' => 'email',
          'balance' => 'balance'
      Schema::TYPECAST => [
          'id' => 'int',
          'balance' => 'float'
      Schema::RELATIONS   => []

Persisting entity data

$user = $this->orm->make('user'); // \Cycle\ORM\ClasslessProxy\Classless user 0 Cycle ORM Proxy object

$user->email = '';
$user->balance = 1500;

(new EntityManager($orm))->persist($user)->run();

Fetching entity data

$repository = $orm->getRepository('user');

$user = $repository->findByPK(1);

var_dump($user); // \Cycle\ORM\ClasslessProxy\Classless user 0 Cycle ORM Proxy object

Note: All proxy entities implement \Cycle\ORM\EntityProxyInterface interface.

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