The cycle/database
component provides the ability to use a single connection for multiple, logically isolated
databases. The isolation performed using table prefix, which automatically added to every SQL identifier.
To enable database prefix use option prefix
of your database:
use Cycle\Database\DatabaseManager;
use Cycle\Database\Config;
$dbal = new DatabaseManager(new Config\DatabaseConfig([
'databases' => [
'default' => ['connection' => 'sqlite', 'prefix' => 'my_prefix_'],
'connections' => [
'sqlite' => new Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
connection: new Config\SQLite\MemoryConnectionConfig(),
queryCache: true,
You can isolate database in runtime using withPrefix
$db = $dbal->database();
The schema introspection and declaration will work with the isolated database by automatically adding a prefix to all declared tables.