Revision: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:04:51 GMT

Std Mapper

Cycle ORM provides the ability to carry data over the StdClass objects by using Cycle\ORM\Mapper\StdMapper with \Cycle\ORM\Reference\Promise objects for relations with lazy loading.

Define the Entity schema

use Cycle\ORM\Schema;
use Cycle\ORM\Mapper\StdMapper;

$orm = $orm->with(schema: new Schema([
   'user' => [
      Schema::MAPPER => StdMapper::class,
      Schema::DATABASE => 'default',
      Schema::TABLE => 'user',
      Schema::PRIMARY_KEY => 'id',
      Schema::COLUMNS => [
          // property => column
          'id' => 'id',
          'email' => 'email',
          'balance' => 'balance'
     Schema::TYPECAST => [
          'id' => 'int',
          'balance' => 'float'
      Schema::RELATIONS   => []

Persisting entity data

$user = $this->orm->make('user'); // stdClass object

$user->email = '';
$user->balance = 1500;

(new EntityManager($orm))->persist($user)->run();

Note: If you want to create entity object manually like $user = new \stdClass(), you have to add this objects to ORM Heap, otherwise Entity Manager won't persist the entity.

Fetching entity data

$repository = $orm->getRepository('user');

$user = $repository->findByPK(1);

var_dump($user); // stdClass object
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