Revision: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:04:51 GMT

Custom Repositories

It is essential to be able to associate custom repository implementations to your entities. You are able to create any repository from scratch, especially for non SQL sources. However, the most common use case would be extending the default repository implementation to add custom selectors.

Create Repository

To create a custom repository associated with a SQL data source simply extend the primary class Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository:

namespace Example\Repository;

class UserRepository extends \Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository
    // ...

Use the Entity attribute to create the association:

namespace Example;

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;

#[Cycle\Entity(repository: Example\Repository\UserRepository::class)]
class User
    // ...

This applies to the annotated extension only. Other schema declaration approaches will differ in implementation.

Update/calculate your schema to get access to the newly assigned repository through the getRepository method of the orm:

$repository = $orm->getRepository(\Example\User::class);


You can assign a single repository implementation to multiple entities.

Custom Selects

The main reason for using custom repositories is the ability to write your own find methods. You can do that using base select method which returns you the instance of Cycle\ORM\Select:

namespace Example\Repository;

use Cycle\ORM\Select;

class UserRepository extends Select\Repository
    public function findActive(): Select
        return $this->select()->where('status', 'active');

You can also chain your select methods $this->findActive()->where('age', '>', $age); as long as you return the Select object from your method.

Now you can access this method:


Don't mutate the Repository::$select object. Always use Repository::select() method to get a Select object clone. You can mutate the $select property only in a repository clone (see Chained Repository).

Preloading relations

Another use-case is to automatically preload some entity relations using a custom find method:

use Cycle\ORM\Select;

class UserRepository extends Select\Repository
    // ...

    public function findActiveUsersLoadAddress(): Select
        return $this->findActive()->load('address');
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