Using Bootstrap Toolkit

You can install Cycle using a bootstrap toolkit for quick integrations. This tutorial assumes that your entity codebase is located in the src/ directory and accessible by the Composer autoloader.

The bundle comes with annotation and proxies support.


To install Console Toolkit:

$ composer require cycle/bootstrap


In order to enable Console Toolkit we have to define a bootstrap file which will configure your environment:

// bootstrap.php

use Cycle\Bootstrap;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";


// single database
$config = Bootstrap\Config::forDatabase(
    'sqlite:database.db', // connection dsn
    '',                   // username
    ''                    // password

// $config = Bootstrap\Config::forDatabase(
//    'mysql:host=;dbname=database', // connection dsn
//    'mysql',                                // username
//    'mysql'                                 // password
// );

// which directory contains our entities
$config = $config->withEntityDirectory(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src');

// log all SQL messages to STDERR
// $config = $config->withLogger(new Bootstrap\StderrLogger(true));

// enable schema cache (use /vendor/bin/cycle schema:update to flush cache), keep commented to disable caching
// $config = $config->withCacheDirectory(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache');

$orm = Bootstrap\Bootstrap::fromConfig($config);

Files tree will look like this:

├── src/
│   └── //app files
└── bootstrap.php

Console Commands

To enable console commands, place the file in config/cycle-cli.php:

// config/cycle-cli.php
require_once 'bootstrap.php';
return $orm;

Files tree will look like this:

├── src/
│   └── //app files
├── config/
│   └── config-cli.php
└── bootstrap.php

To display list of found entities:

$ ./vendor/bin/cycle entity:list

To alter the database schema to match entity declaration:

$ ./vendor/bin/cycle schema:sync

To update Cycle without altering the database schema (when cache is enabled):

$ ./vendor/bin/cycle schema:update

To display a list of available tables:

$ ./vendor/bin/cycle db:list

To display the schema of a specific table:

$ ./vendor/bin/cycle db:table {table-name}

You can execute commands with the -vvv flag to display SQL queries if the logger is set.


Install the bundle and create config/cycle-cli.php and bootstrap.php files. Make sure that composer.json includes:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "src/"

You can create your first entity in src/:


namespace App;

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;

/** @Cycle\Entity() */
class User
    /** @Cycle\Column(type="primary") */
    public $id;

    /** @Cycle\Column(type="string") */
    public $name;

Generate database schema:

$ ./vendor/bin/cycle schema:sync

To use your entity create the file test.php:


use Cycle\ORM;

/** @var ORM\ORMInterface $orm */
include 'bootstrap.php';

$u = new \App\User();
$u->name = "Antony";

(new ORM\Transaction($orm))->persist($u)->run();

foreach ($orm->getRepository(\App\User::class)->findAll() as $u) {

You can test the ORM now:

$ php test.php
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