You can install Cycle using a bootstrap toolkit for quick integrations. This tutorial assumes that your entity codebase is located in the
directory and accessible by the Composer autoloader.
The bundle comes with annotation and proxies support.
To install Console Toolkit:
$ composer require cycle/bootstrap
In order to enable Console Toolkit we have to define a bootstrap file which will configure your environment:
// bootstrap.php
use Cycle\Bootstrap;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
// single database
$config = Bootstrap\Config::forDatabase(
'sqlite:database.db', // connection dsn
'', // username
'' // password
// $config = Bootstrap\Config::forDatabase(
// 'mysql:host=;dbname=database', // connection dsn
// 'mysql', // username
// 'mysql' // password
// );
// which directory contains our entities
$config = $config->withEntityDirectory(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src');
// log all SQL messages to STDERR
// $config = $config->withLogger(new Bootstrap\StderrLogger(true));
// enable schema cache (use /vendor/bin/cycle schema:update to flush cache), keep commented to disable caching
// $config = $config->withCacheDirectory(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache');
$orm = Bootstrap\Bootstrap::fromConfig($config);
Files tree will look like this:
├── src/
│ └── //app files
└── bootstrap.php
To enable console commands, place the file in config/cycle-cli.php
// config/cycle-cli.php
require_once 'bootstrap.php';
return $orm;
Files tree will look like this:
├── src/
│ └── //app files
├── config/
│ └── config-cli.php
└── bootstrap.php
To display list of found entities:
$ ./vendor/bin/cycle entity:list
To alter the database schema to match entity declaration:
$ ./vendor/bin/cycle schema:sync
To update Cycle without altering the database schema (when cache is enabled):
$ ./vendor/bin/cycle schema:update
To display a list of available tables:
$ ./vendor/bin/cycle db:list
To display the schema of a specific table:
$ ./vendor/bin/cycle db:table {table-name}
You can execute commands with the
flag to display SQL queries if the logger is set.
Install the bundle and create config/cycle-cli.php
and bootstrap.php
files. Make sure that composer.json
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "src/"
You can create your first entity in src/
namespace App;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;
/** @Cycle\Entity() */
class User
/** @Cycle\Column(type="primary") */
public $id;
/** @Cycle\Column(type="string") */
public $name;
Generate database schema:
$ ./vendor/bin/cycle schema:sync
To use your entity create the file test.php
use Cycle\ORM;
/** @var ORM\ORMInterface $orm */
include 'bootstrap.php';
$u = new \App\User();
$u->name = "Antony";
(new ORM\Transaction($orm))->persist($u)->run();
foreach ($orm->getRepository(\App\User::class)->findAll() as $u) {
You can test the ORM now:
$ php test.php