
The Cycle Annotated package provides multiple annotations designed to describe entity relations. Each relation must be associated with specific entity properties in order to work. In addition, most of the relation options (such as the name of inner, outer keys) will be generated automatically.

You can read more about relation configuration and usage in later sections.

Common Statement

Each relation must have a proper target option. The target must point to either the related entity role, or to the class name. You are able to specify class names in a fully qualified (Namespace\Class) or using current entity namespace as the base path. You can use both / and \ namespace separators.


The HasOne relation is used to define the relation to one child object. This object will be automatically saved with its parent (unless cascade option set to false). The simplest form of relation definition:

/** @Entity */
class User
    // ...

    /** @HasOne(target = "Address") */
    protected $address;

You must properly handle the cases when the relation not initialized (null)!

By default, the ORM will generate the outer key in the relation object using the parent entity role and inner key (primary key by default) values. As a result the column and FK will be added to Address entity on user_id column.

Option Value Comment
cascade bool Automatically save related data with parent entity. Defaults to true
nullable bool Defines if relation can be nullable (child can have no parent). Defaults to false
innerKey string Inner key in parent entity. Defaults to primary key
outerKey string Outer key name. Defaults to {parentRole}_{innerKey}
fkCreate bool Set to true to automatically create FK on outerKey. Defaults to true
fkAction CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET NULL FK onDelete and onUpdate action. Defaults to CASCADE
indexCreate bool Create index on outerKey. Defaults to true


The HasMany relation provides the ability to link multiple child objects to one entity (parent). The related entities will be stored in a Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection object (ArrayCollection). You must initiate an empty collection in your class constructor in order to properly work with newly created entities.

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;

/** @Entity */
class User
    // ...

    /** @HasMany(target = "Post") */
    protected $posts;

    public function __construct()
        $this->posts = new ArrayCollection();

Multiple options are available for the configuration:

Option Value Comment
cascade bool Automatically save related data with parent entity. Defaults to true
nullable bool Defines if the relation can be nullable (child can have no parent). Defaults to false
innerKey string Inner key in parent entity. Defaults to the primary key
outerKey string Outer key name. Defaults to {parentRole}_{innerKey}
where array Additional where condition to be applied for the relation. Defaults to none.
fkCreate bool Set to true to automatically create FK on outerKey. Defaults to true
fkAction CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET NULL FK onDelete and onUpdate action. Defaults to CASCADE
indexCreate bool Create an index on outerKey. Defaults to true


In order to link the entity to its parent object use the relation's belongsTo. Please note, a relation is nullable by default.

/** @Entity */
class Post
    // ...

    /** @BelongsTo(target = "User") */
    protected $author;

Customizable options:

Option Value Comment
cascade bool Automatically save related data with source entity. Defaults to true
nullable bool Defines if the relation can be nullable (child can have no parent). Defaults to true
innerKey string Inner key in source entity. Defaults to {relationName}_{outerKey}
outerKey string Outer key in the related entity. Defaults to its primary key
fkCreate bool Set to true to automatically create FK on innerKey. Defaults to true
fkAction CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET NULL FK onDelete and onUpdate action. Defaults to CASCADE
indexCreate bool Create an index on innerKey. Defaults to true


The RefersTo relation is similar to the BelongsTo relation, but must be used to establish multiple relations to the same entity (or in case of a cyclic relation). The most common example is the ability to store the last post posted by the user.

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;

/** @Entity */
class User
    // ...

    /** @RefersTo(target = "Post") */
    protected $lastPost;

    /** @HasMany(target = "Post") */
    protected $posts;

    public function __construct()
        $this->posts = new ArrayCollection();

    public function addPost(Post $p)
        $this->lastPost = $p;


Option Value Comment
cascade bool Automatically save related data with parent entity. Defaults to true
nullable bool Defines if the relation can be nullable (child can have no parent). Defaults to false
innerKey string Inner key in parent entity. Defaults to the primary key
outerKey string Outer key name. Defaults to {parentRole}_{innerKey}
fkCreate bool Set to true to automatically create FK on outerKey. Defaults to true
fkAction CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET NULL FK onDelete and onUpdate action. Defaults to SET NULL
indexCreate bool Create an index on outerKey. Defaults to true

You must use the refersTo relation for cyclic dependencies.


A relation of type ManyToMany provides a more complex connection with the ability to use an intermediate entity for the connection. This relation must be represented using Cycle\ORM\Relation\Pivoted\PivotedCollection. The relation requires the though option with similar rules as target.

use Cycle\ORM\Relation\Pivoted\PivotedCollection;

/** @Entity */
class User
    // ...

    /** @ManyToMany(target = "Tag", though = "UserTag") */
    protected $tags;

    public function __construct()
        $this->tags = new PivotedCollection();

The relation defines a number of options to control a set of associated keys and conditions:

Option Value Comment
cascade bool Automatically save related data with parent entity. Defaults to true
nullable bool Defines if the relation can be nullable (pivot entity can exist without the parent(s)). Defaults to true
innerKey string Inner key name in source entity. Defaults to the primary key
outerKey string Outer key name in target entity. Defaults to the primary key
thoughInnerKey string Key name connected to the innerKey of source entity. Defaults to {sourceRole}_{innerKey}
thoughOuterKey string Key name connected to the outerKey of a related entity. Defaults to {targetRole}_{outerKey}
thoughWhere array Where conditions applied to though entity
where array Where conditions applied to the related entity
fkCreate bool Set to true to automatically create FK on thoughInnerKey and thoughOuterKey. Defaults to true
fkAction CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET NULL FK onDelete and onUpdate action. Defaults to SET NULL
indexCreate bool Create index on [thoughInnerKey, thoughOuterKey]. Defaults to true

Note, the relation option though is a typo of through, it will remain in this package until next major release of cycle/annotated.

Morphed Relations

Cycle ORM provides support for polymorphic relations. Given relations can be used to link an entity to multiple entity types and select the desired object in runtime. Relations must be assigned to the entity interface rather than a specific role or class name.

/** @Entity */
class User implements ImageHolderInterface
     // ...

BelongsToMorphed relations allows an entity to belong to any of the parents which implement given interface:

/** @Entity */
class Image
    // ...

    /** @BelongsToMorphed(target = "ImageHolderInterface")*/
    protected $parent;
Option Value Comment
cascade bool Automatically save related data with parent entity. Defaults to true
nullable bool Defines if relation can be nullable. Defaults to true
innerKey string Inner key name in source entity. Defaults to {relation}_{innerKey}
outerKey string Outer key name in target entity. Defaults to primary key
morphKey string Contains target entity role name. Defaults to {relation}_role
morphKeyLength int The lengths of the morphKey. Defaults to 32
indexCreate bool Create index on [thoughInnerKey, thoughOuterKey]. Defaults to true

The index will be created on [outerKey, morphKey].

MorphedHasOne and MorphedHasMany is an inverse version of BelongsToMorphed.

/** @Entity */
class User implements ImageHolderInterface
     // ...

     /** @MorphedHasOne(target = "Image")*/
     protected $image;
Option Value Comment
cascade bool Automatically save related data with parent entity. Defaults to true
nullable bool Defines if relation can be nullable. Defaults to false
innerKey string Inner key name in source entity. Defaults to primary key
outerKey string Outer key name in target entity. Defaults to {relation}_{innerKey}
morphKey string Contains target entity role name. Defaults to {relation}_role
morphKeyLength int The lengths of the morphKey. Defaults to 32
indexCreate bool Create index on [thoughInnerKey, thoughOuterKey]. Defaults to true
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;

/** @Entity */
class User implements ImageHolderInterface
     // ...

     /** @MorphedHasMany(target = "Image")*/
     protected $images;

     public function __construct()
         $this->images = new ArrayCollection();
Option Value Comment
cascade bool Automatically save related data with parent entity. Defaults to true
nullable bool Defines if the relation can be nullable. Defaults to false
innerKey string Inner key name in source entity. Defaults to the primary key
outerKey string Outer key name in target entity. Defaults to {relation}_{innerKey}
morphKey string Contains target entity role name. Defaults to {relation}_role
morphKeyLength int The lengths of the morphKey. Defaults to 32
where array Where conditions applied to the related entity
indexCreate bool Create index on [thoughInnerKey, thoughOuterKey]. Defaults to true

Please note, given relations would not be able to automatically create FK keys since the ORM is unable to decide which key must be used. Also, eager loading abilities are limited for such relations (join is only possible for morphedHas* relations).

Inversing Relations

In some cases you might want to create an inversed relation automatically. Please note, you still have to create a property in order to store the related data (and initialize it in case of many relations).

To inverse a relation, you must use the option inverse with specified inversed relation name and type.

/** @Entity */
class Post
    // ...

    /** @BelongsTo(target = "User", inverse = @Inverse(as = "posts", type = "hasMany")) */
    protected $user;
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