UUID as primary key

It is possible to use any type of primary sequence for your entities by altering the default Cycle\ORM\Mapper\Mapper behavior. In order to do that we have to define a custom column with the primary flag.

You can also specify a primary key value directly in your entity, the Mapper will accept it as the expected value.


To define a specific column as the primary key, use the annotation option primary:

 * @Entity
class User
    /** @Column(type = "string(36)", primary = true) */
    protected $uuid;

    public function getUUID(): string
        return $this->uuid;


In order to alter the default sequence behavior, alter the default mapper implementation by modifying the method nextPrimaryKey:

use Cycle\ORM\Mapper\Mapper;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

class UUIDMapper extends Mapper
     * Generate entity primary key value.
    public function nextPrimaryKey()
        try {
            return Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new \Cycle\ORM\Exception\MapperException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);

Link Entity and Mapper

In order to associate the mapper and the entity use the @Entity option mapper:

 * @Entity(mapper="Mapper\UUIDMapper")
class User
    /** @Column(type = "string(36)", primary = true) */
    protected $uuid;

Now the entity's primary key will be generated on application end during the persist operation:

$u = new User();

$t = new \Cycle\ORM\Transaction($orm);

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